Alalunga tuna in olive oil (200g)

Fish preserve much appreciated for its delicate taste and for its characteristic white meat. Alalunga tuna is rich in precious polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. White tuna or Alalunga tuna owes its name to the size of the long pectoral fin that characterizes it and differentiates it from all other tunas. In the Mediterranean, this species prefers cleaner and deeper waters where it lives in small but numerous schools. This fish, very difficult to identify, is to be considered very valuable. Sangiolaro Mediterranean White Tuna: a unique product, with consistent meat and a delicate and refined White tuna or Alalunga tuna owes its name to the size of the long pectoral fin that characterizes it and differentiates it from all other tunas. In the Mediterranean, this species prefers cleaner and deeper waters where it lives in small but numerous schools. This fish, very difficult to identify, is to be considered very valuable. Sangiolaro Mediterranean White Tuna: a unique product, with consistent meat and a delicate and refined taste.
Formato XXX

Alalunga tuna in olive oil (200g)

SKU: 8005696020471 Categories: ,
 Olio di oliva
Olive oil
Alalunga Tuna
White tuna or Alalunga tuna owes its name to the size of the long pectoral fin that characterizes it and differentiates it from all other tunas. In the Mediterranean, this species prefers cleaner and deeper waters where it lives in small but numerous schools. This fish, very difficult to identify, is to be considered very valuable. Sangiolaro Mediterranean White Tuna: a unique product, with consistent meat and a delicate and refined taste.

Operazione/progetto co-finanziato/finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
azione 3.1.1 a3 “Aiuti finalizzati al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19” Fondo investimenti Toscana –
aiuti agli investimenti. Potenziamento magazzino e realizzazione nuovo impianto dedicato.

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