Salted Anchovies

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Salted anchovies

The anchovies of the Cantabrian Sea are considered the best in the world: the temperature of the waters of this sea allows the fish to grow more, accumulating more fat. This is the starting raw material: precious, more meaty and tastier. As soon as they are caught, the Acantilado anchovies are immediately cleaned, processed, and preserved in salt to retain the intense flavor of the sea. The right maturation guarantees the exceptional taste of this high quality product.
Acantilado preserves the most artisanal traditions in the processing of these unique fish.

Salted anchovies on the table

Anchovies, like all blue fish, have important nutritional properties along with excellent digestibility.
Proteins, vitamins, minerals and above all unsaturated fats make this food healthy, tasty and very versatile in the kitchen. After a careful washing of the preserved salt, Acantilado anchovies can enhance your dishes from the simplest to the most refined: croutons with buffalo mozzarella and cherry tomatoes, wholemeal gnocchetti with vegetables or any type of pasta. To enhance the full flavor of Acantilado anchovies, we also suggest serving them with thinly sliced raw seasonal vegetables.

Acantilado: fish excellences from seas of great traditions


The precious anchovies
of the Cantabrian Sea with the most distinguished flavor


Authentic anchovy fillets
from the Cantabrian Sea

Tuna and

Exclusive fish preserves
from the best catch


An original selection of
fish excellences

Operazione/progetto co-finanziato/finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
azione 3.1.1 a3 “Aiuti finalizzati al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19” Fondo investimenti Toscana –
aiuti agli investimenti. Potenziamento magazzino e realizzazione nuovo impianto dedicato.

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