Anchovy fillets in sunflower oil (80g)

Albatros anchovy fillets are soft, fleshy and with a strong taste. Deprived of both the skin and the bones, they are placed one by one in glass jars, so that the result of the careful work required to prepare this versatile product for all recipes is visible.
Formato XXX

Anchovy fillets in sunflower oil (80g)

SKU: 80691662 Categories: ,
 Olio di semi di girasole
Sunflower seed oil
The wide range offered by Albatros is synonymous with in-depth knowledge of the most traditional fish processing techniques which is expressed through a variety of canned and semi-preserved fish determined not only by our gastronomic culture but also by the increasingly careful and precise request from our customers for genuine, versatile and original products.

Operazione/progetto co-finanziato/finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
azione 3.1.1 a3 “Aiuti finalizzati al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19” Fondo investimenti Toscana –
aiuti agli investimenti. Potenziamento magazzino e realizzazione nuovo impianto dedicato.

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