Meditterranean Mackerel fillets in olive oil (2.5kg)

Mackerel is a poor fish in name only. The reality is that the preserve of this tasty fish is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Sangiolaro steamed every mackerel thus offering a characteristic and tasty fish preserve.
Formato XXX

Meditterranean Mackerel fillets in olive oil (2.5kg)

SKU: 8005696022710 Categories: ,
Sgombro Occhione
Bigeye Mackerel
 Olio di oliva
Olive oil
Sangiolaro, historical brand of Ghezzi Alimentari, offers a wide range of canned and semi-preserved fish from the Mediterranean tradition.

Operazione/progetto co-finanziato/finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
azione 3.1.1 a3 “Aiuti finalizzati al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19” Fondo investimenti Toscana –
aiuti agli investimenti. Potenziamento magazzino e realizzazione nuovo impianto dedicato.

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