Salty – Dry

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From the northern seas to Ghezzi Alimentari

Cod, Stockfish, Gaspè, dried cod and others, are all our products coming from the pure and crystalline waters of Northern seas. The main raw material of these products is cod. For this product intended for our customers, fishing is carried out with longlines consisting of ropes up to three kilometers long from which hundreds of lines equipped with hooks branch off. In this way, the fish is hoisted on board without the trawling occurring which, in addition to destroying the marine ecosystem, damages the integrity of the fish itself. And so the cod is ready to take its path in becoming cod (if salted), stock fish (if air dried), Gaspè (if salted and air dried).

Cod and stock fish on the table

These traditional products of ours will need to be soaked before being cooked. Wetting times and methods will depend on many variables such as the size of the fish, the temperature of the water and your personal taste. Once the preferred salt point has been reached, the product can be cooked in the infinite regional recipes of our gastronomic tradition such as cod ‘alla livornese’, stock fish with onions, cod with beans, baked cod, Florentine style, au gratin, Neapolitan style and so on. The so called Cod ‘alla vicentina’ where in reality the fish preserve used is stock fish.

Genuine sea traditions

and HPP treated

Codfish Stock fish

Salty and Dry

Salty and dry products


Fish specialties

Operazione/progetto co-finanziato/finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020
azione 3.1.1 a3 “Aiuti finalizzati al contrasto dell’emergenza epidemiologica COVID-19” Fondo investimenti Toscana –
aiuti agli investimenti. Potenziamento magazzino e realizzazione nuovo impianto dedicato.

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